Mr. Namaste
Experience Guaranteed Manifesting Results, Love Your Actual Life & Go On A Reality Exploring Adventure
Lucidity Numbers
Lucidity numbers are repeating numbers you see that are meant to wake you up to the fact that reality isn't real. Not everybody sees them that has this realization but it's pretty common. To return to the Start Here page click here. Or you can read more details below...
Today, there is information all over the internet about the meaning of seeing repeating numbers. Various articles you'll find online refer to them as angle numbers, cosmic numbers or master numbers. However, when I started noticing repeating 11s everywhere in my life in the middle of 2009, I couldn’t find any information at all. I began asking friends, “Are you seeing 11:11 too?” but nobody knew what I was talking about. While I hadn't seen the movie THE NUMBER 23 starring Jim Carrey that had come out a few years earlier, I'd seen the preview. It was about some weird guy who started seeing the number 23 everywhere and was obsessing about it. I passed. The fact that this was happening to me now like the guy in the movie wasn't amusing to me at all to say the least. One friend suggested it might be a Bible verse. With no other leads, I looked it up, but the verse didn’t resonate.
I was getting desperate because I was seeing 11:11 as often as ten times a day. Then, a guy in my business mastermind group suggested I check out a blog article he had recently read. As soon as our call ended, I looked it up. The article laid everything out: the numbers were meant to wake me up to the true nature of reality...
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